ruri laure
check 2, 4, 6



DISCLAIMER! this is not related to the main story of the game, nor does it apply to any side character or quest in the game. the setting and few information/scenes stated below are inspired from the game's lore, however, the stated characters (except kokomi) are made up and have no relation whatsoever to the characters in genshin impact.
this is a head canon that kokomi has a special someone in the lower ranks that joined the war and never came back.i.
the young priestess and descendant of the sangonomiya clan was known for her leadership and great knowledge about many things. she is looked up by almost everyone in the island, and she takes pride and responsibility for that. however this responsibility tends to affect certain aspects of her life. despite the prestige in her name, she isn't a superhero who can do all good and act all perfect and calm when facing problems and troublesome people in her way. but that doesn't stop her worries when there comes a problem that she cannot find a solution for, especially when she came to face war against the vision hunt decree.
this on-going war made her vanish into thin air, making people search for her as many problems arise with it. what they didn't know was that she was already looking for answers and ways to win this war, with only minimal damage to be taken. she was cooping in her secret office away from the village, only her books and a certain someone accompanying her.over the many hours and days of exploring and solution thinking, she came up with a decision, even if it was one she did not want. but breaking the news wasn't really an easy task, was it? as the leader of the resistance, she had to choose an optimal plan, but their side was never favored from the start. and so, even with the voices shouting inside her head, she chose to shut them up and take action that could either make them lose or win this battle.silence.everybody saw this coming, yet the anxiety and melancholy was something that couldn't be helped. of course, for who would be happy when you have to depart and train day and night for a war with an uncertain outcome? but who would also refuse, when this is their lives and freedom at risk. and so, the dreading training began.


they say that you meet people on a daily basis, but only a few leaves an imprint in your soul, and only one could ever be a permanent name in your heart. well, kokomi already knew. from the moment she laid her eyes on this one person, the sun setting right behind them, as their eyes meet for the first time, she knew the person whose eyes she'll always look for in the crowd, name she'll always call for, yu. at the ripe age of 6, she knew that her teenage years would be a whirlwind of joy, hurt, and constant passion. as the person who locked gazes with her knew to themselves, that their whole life would be spent loving this embodiment of serenity.
they would always meet up near the cliff, whether it be night or day, raining or not, season in bloom or even just a dull day for the both of them. they would spend their time in doing anything, but they always favored reading. perhaps this is why they found joy in flowers, their origins, meanings, and symbolisms. and every valentine's day, they'd give each other different flowers. not your typical roses or tulips, for they knew that orchids symbolized them best. for their love was unmatchable, it wasn't perfect but would it even be called love if it had no flaws?their love was represented by an alstroemeria, the white and pink ones to be specific. in the whole cycle of their lives together, they've made a connection, a bond, genuine friendship, which later turned to innocent feelings, gentle love, and they burned for each other in the long run, flames still intact after years with each other. this was the type of love that was scary to lose, because of the roots already planted at the core of their individuality, always nurtured, steadfast, it can't be easily damaged or destroyed. they were made for each other, the other half, the partner in crime, the do or die, the go-to person above anyone else. and they were sure of the future they had with each other.


kokomi was never the type to rest when she had the time. maybe it was the affairs from the war, the constant problems in watatsumi island, personal problems of her people, or all of that piled on her desk. the head priestess of watatsumi island, one who holds power amongst all.
she was always busy, but after the day ends, she gets her recharge and comfort from a certain individual that resides with her. that was until the war started. kokomi and yu discussed it back at the office, that the latter would go to war as they wished to fight for watatsumi island, lead the army to victory, and come back to her once it all ended. kokomi knew, despite the voices in her head telling her to disagree and even plead for yu to not leave, she knew she couldn't. because she couldn't bare break the passion burning from yu's eyes, because she knew that her lover would rather die on that god-damned battlefield than hope for the best in their quarters when yu was more than qualified to do something, anything. and so, she said nothing.the day came by in a flash, everything was set and planned, and they were ready. the battle was fierce, blood splattering everywhere, fallen bodies in the shallow waters. it was a horrific scene, a hopeless one at most. the resistance knew they were at the losing end, however, they did not falter. they believed in something, someone—kokomi. they had faith, hope, and dreams that made them carry on the fight with all their strength. and they did. peace was finally brought upon the army, upon watatsumi island.everyone didn't go back unscathed, scratch that, not everyone got to come back. many lives were sacrificed, many families and friends would no longer be able to see their warriors come back to them, this included kokomi. she searched far and wide, asked the other resistance members, but they looked down, with a pained look in their faces, it was all clear to them what had happened to yu. kokomi knew it as well, but it was fucking hard to let that sink in. because it was yu, the love of her life, the person who she grew up with, basically her whole life. the person who made the sun pale in comparison, the light in her dark times, her motivation and comfort, her person. now, nobody will ever witness her breakdowns, nobody will ever know where to find her, nobody will read with her, share the sunset with her, do nothing with her.kokomi's thoughts were full of what ifs and hows. what if she complained and never let yu in the army? what if she came earlier and kept yu by her side when fighting? what if she was never in the position she was in, so that she could've spent her whole life with yu instead, away from the responsibilities and chaos she was constantly in. and how can she continue her life knowing that the other half of her is no longer with her? how can she sleep when could've done something to keep yu safe? how can she wake up and live her days? how can she look at flowers they used to gift one another? how can she read a book when every word and smell of it reminds her of yu? how can she continue without the person whom her heart beats for?and then, she drifts to sleep. she dreams about years later, where she walks towards a tombstone with wilted flowers and leaves scattered in the plaque. she places down a boquet of zinnias while cleaning the area. as she looks up in the sky, a tear and a peaceful smile forms up her face when she sees a star shining brightly at her. still, she would always wish that yu was beside her than from afar.note: this has become long overdue (was supposed to write this a year ago) so forgive me if my memory did not serve the right/precise information about the quest T.Tsymbols !
✧ orchid - one-of-a-kind love
✧ white alstroemeria - pure friendship and love between two people
✧ pink alstroemeria - romance, love, and gentle feelings
✧ zinnia - for remembering someone who is no longer with you